El Tunel by Ibrahim Miranda

ASU Professor of Art Education to teach a course that discusses the importance of Artura.org

ASU Professor Bernard Young, Ph.D. is now teaching his 3rd semester of a course which uses Artura.org as a primary source of content for his students’ research.

The course will prepare art teachers on how to present material in a way that is appropriate and exciting for the target audience.

Telling Many Magpies by Edgar Heap of Birds
Edgar Heap of Birds, Telling Many Magpies, Telling Black Wolf, Telling Hachivi, silkscreen, 70" x 45" 1989
Calm by A.J. Smith
A. J. Smith, Calm, offset lithograph, 30" x 22" 1991
Bernard Young
Bernard Young, Ph.D

Professor of Art Education, Herberger Institute for Design & the Arts, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ

Dr. Young has served as coordinator of graduate studies in art education and director of the Eleanor A. Robb Children’s Art Workshop since 1988. Young’s research interests are in multicultural issues in art and education with special interests in children’s development and learning. Young is also a practicing artist. He has received a number of awards, including the 2012 Lowenfeld Award, National Art Education Association and, also in 2012, he presented the first annual Joseph F. McKrindle Lecture in Art Education, offered in conjunction with Full Spectrum: Prints from the Brandywine Workshop, at the Philadelphia Museum of Art’s Education Department.

Along with his teaching, Professor Young has served on numerous committees nationally, locally and at the university. A few of these are: Chair (2002–2003), of the Campus Environment Team at ASU, The Academic Assembly Council of The College Board (2001–2004), and the University’s Committee on African American and African Studies (1991–94). He served as a member of the University Promotion and Tenure Committee, (2005-2006) and on the College Board, National Task Force on the Arts in Education Steering Committee (2007–2009). Exhibited art in the exhibition, Soul of a Nation: Art in the Age of Black Power 1963–1983organized by the Tate Modern London.